Saturday, July 31, 2010

Queen's Park

On July 24th, 2010, we went to a park in New Westminster, called Queen's Park.  It is a big community park with an arena, a baseball stadium, a playground, a garden, a petting zoo and other facility.  I am not too sure when it was built, but it has a playground and water park for kids to enjoy the summer.  The petting zoo is good for kids to experience getting close to ducks, rabbits, goats and chickens.
I am not sure if this picture shows, but the playground is actually pretty big with sandboxes and many stations for kids to play. In the weekends, the families are every where.  I guess you have to enjoy the summer in Canada.  Otherwise, it is too cold and dark in the winter.  Here is a picture of the pigs in the small petting zoo:

Here is a picture of a duck:

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