Life is full of challenges. It should be anyways.
I have always wanted new challenges in my life, and it is time now to do it.
My goal was to do a marathon this year. It will be my first time.
For months, since the freezing winter, I have been running 6 to 12k a time.
I know this is clearly not enough for marathon but I decided to go ahead.
Near Goal Line Vancouver marathon |
I feel my ankles and hip joints were tight and hurt a little 15km into the race. However, I thought I have no problem and can keep going. However, eventually, the little pinching pain turn into sharp pain. I might have injured my joints.
I had to stop running and stretch and walk and repeat for another 20km.
My time was okay for the first 20km but for the rest, it takes forever to walk the rest.
I would go to medical tent for medicine, stretching and for painkiller lotions to put on my legs.
I thought, I had time, I am going to finish this no matter what.
At the end, a Taiwanese women and I started chatting and kept each other going.
To my surprised, my wife and kids showed up later at the last stretch!
They really brought support for me, and the last 10 minutes was very enjoyable.
My time was terrible, and now, 5 weeks afterwards, my feet still hurts.
I might have to see a doctor.
However, I did it! I am glad and proud that I did it.
My time was terrible but this won't be my last time to do a marathon!