We have been fishing for small Perch and crabs for a while.
However, I have yet to catch a bigger fish. (My wife have caught flounder, bullhead, sculpin before.)
I decided to fish for a rainbow trout this past Thanksgiving weekend.
On Sunday, we had no luck.
On Monday morning, it was sunny, and I decided to head out to Como Lake with my family.
I don't know if I was lucky or what. Within 30 minutes, I got a 31cm Trout, that is as big as it gets in this lake. (These are released trouts...the wild trouts are 30cm to 70cm. They can get big depends on the location.)
I was so happy because I did not realize I got a fish on until it starts fighting and I started reeling in.
Como Lake Rainbow Trout 2014 |
Next, I want some salmon....big salmon. Or, some monster trout....I wish. haha